Policy and Position Papers

Response to the Consultation on the Delegated Regulation on Data Access provided for in the Digital Services Act
This response provides feedback on the Delegated Regulation on Data Access provided for in the Digital Services Act. The first section highlights aspects which are practical, workable or welcomed by scientists for other reasons. The second section outlines further opportunities for clarification, additions, or modifications to the draft text.
Enabling Research with Publicly Accessible Platform Data: Early DSA Compliance Issues and Suggestions for Improvement
To provide the Commission and Digital Services Coordinators with insights for their oversight work, this paper offers an analysis of early experiences with Article 40(12) data access requests and suggestions for improvement. It is based on conversations with researchers and on data collected through the DSA 40 Data Access Tracker.

What the Scientific Community Needs from Data Access under Art. 40 DSA: 20 Points on Infrastructures, Participation, Transparency, and Funding
This policy paper aims to inform the expected Delegated Act of the EU Commission as well as the legislative process for the German Digital Services Act (Digitale Dienste Gesetz) and to formulate necessities from the perspective of platform researchers. This perspective is of utmost importance, as research on systemic risks depends on the expertise of scientific actors.
Response to the Call for Evidence DG CNECT-CNECT F2 by the European Commission
This response to the EU Commission's DG CNECT includes feedback regarding data access needs by researchers (non-private communication data, user account metadata, data governance documentation), requirements for data access application and procedure, data access formats and involvement of researchers, and access to publicly available data.